dog boarding - tips to keep your dog comfortable
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dog boarding - tips to keep your dog comfortable

We adopted our dog about four years ago. Since then, our family has not gone on a vacation because it is difficult to do with a canine family member. As I watch my kids grow up and hear all of the stories that my friends tell me about their family vacations and all of the wonderful memories that they have created, I regret that we haven't gone on a trip. I began looking into some options for boarding my dog and found some great places to take him. Then, I began looking up information about how I can make his time at the boarding center easier on him. To learn the tips that I have found about keeping your dog comfortable while he stays in a boarding facility, go to my site.


dog boarding - tips to keep your dog comfortable

Is Your Cat Depressed? Here's How To Know

Cecil Hanson

On the surface, kitty depression may sound like a joke. The truth is that depression is not uncommon among pets. Just like people, animals can become depressed or despondent with their lives. If you suspect that your cat may be experiencing depression, you may be able to take action today to help your pet.

Sign #1: Odd Tail Movements

Cats with depression may swish their tail around in odd ways. This twitching could be an indicator that something is wrong, especially if the movements are hard and swift. Your cat may appear more aggressive as a result.

Sign #2: Changes in Personality

Depressed cats may appear to become needy all of a sudden. If your previously aloof cat suddenly needs your constant attention, depression could be the cause. This could work the other way as well. For instance, your cat may suddenly become standoffish when he or she was once lovable and sweet. If your cat suddenly begins to hiss and spit at those he used to love, depression may be a cause.

Sign #3: Changes in Play

Cats are like people in that they require new stimulation. Even if they are not asking you to play with them, they still want toys and activities available to them. If you notice that your cat is trying to climb up the walls or now disobeys the house rules, you should focus on giving your pet some new things to do. Pay close attention if your cat is suddenly obsessed with clawing furniture, for instance.

Sign #4: Bathroom Behavior Changes

Changes in bathroom behavior may indicate that a cat is experiencing some distress. For instance, the cat may begin to defecate outside the litter box. Spraying, similar to urinating, is also a serious indicator that your cat is experiencing some form of depression or aggression.

Sign #5: Talkative

Your cat may begin to make more vocalizations when he or she is experiencing distress. Your cat may roam the calls, seemingly talking loudly. Your cat may need some extra love to quiet down.

Some of the signs of depression in your cat may be more subtle. You must look for the signs that your cat's specific behavioral patterns are changing. As you know, no two cats are exactly alike. The key is to pay close attention to your cat's behavior and take him or her to the veterinarian if you believe that something is wrong. 
